February 23, 2022

In 2022 invest in audiovisual marketing

It is not news to anyone active on social media that video content is the best option as a marketing tool. And for 2022, that won't change!

Video content has shown that it is here to stay because it captures the target audience's attention and engages better, bringing excellent results. That's why our tip for the year 2022 is: INVEST IN AUDIOVISUAL MARKETING for your brand's success.

We understand that, in the beginning, the adaptation can be a little complicated. Unlike static posts, videos require someone to present the content. On the other hand, we have technological advances in our favor, so the video that used to require a series of equipment to be produced today only needs a good cell phone and video editing software.

In addition to better accessibility for audiovisual production these days, videos can be thought of in several ways: long videos, short videos, calls, and so on! You can even make series that address the same theme, not to mention that it is much easier to break down video content into other types of content, such as podcasts.

So, prepare a good content script for your cell phone, choose a bright place, don't be intimidated by the camera, and press play for audiovisual content! An alternative is also to hire an agency that specializes in content creation. And that's why Sexto Andar is here to help you. Get in touch to learn more about our products and services.